Magzter Gold Plan Deal- Flat 50% OFF on Annual Subscription At Just Rs. 1999 Only

Now Avail Magzter Gold Plan with Flat 50% OFF for one year or annual subscription At just Rs.1999 Only. Offers Include 5000 Bestselling magazines and newspapers with premium articles. Coupon code not required to avail the offer.
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Expires 3 months left

ICICI Bank Offer- Gold Subscription for 3 Months At Just Rs.99 Only

Now Get Magzter Gold subscription for three months At Just Rs.99 Only with ICICI bank Credit or Debit Card transaction. Get unlimited access for magazines and newspaper unlimited. Apply Given coupon code at the time of checkout.
ICMG3M99 Get Coupon
Expires 6 months left

Newspaper Offer- 40% Off On Magzter Newspaper Subscription

Now Get Upto 50% Off On Newspaper Subscription displayed on the offer page. No Minimum Purchase and No coupon Code required to avail this offer.
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Expires 6 months left

Magzter Gold Offer- 1Month Subscription At Rs.399 Only.

Now Get Magzter Gold Subscription for 1 month At Rs. 399 Only. Read any Magazine out of 5000+ best selling Magazines such as India today, Femina, Vogue, Filmfare, Outlook, Forbes, Fortune and many more. and also read premium...More

Now Get Magzter Gold Subscription for 1 month At Rs. 399 Only. Read any Magazine out of 5000+ best selling Magazines such as India today, Femina, Vogue, Filmfare, Outlook, Forbes, Fortune and many more. and also read premium articles. No coupon code required to avail this offer. Hurry Up! Limited Period Offer. Less

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Expires 6 months left

Magzter Gold Lite Offer- 1 Month Subscription At Rs.249 Only.

Now Get Magzter Gold Lite Subscription for 1 Month At Rs. 249 Only. Read any 5 Magazine out of 5000+ best selling Magazines. No coupon code required to avail this offer. Hurry Up! Limited Period Offer.
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Expires 6 months left

Magzter Gold Lite Offer- Flat 16% OFF on 1 Year Subscription At Rs.2499 Only.

Now Get Flat 16% Off on  Magzter Gold Lite Subscription for 1 year At Rs. 2499 Only. Read any 5 Magazine out of 5000+ best selling Magazines. No coupon code required to avail this offer. Hurry Up! Limited...More

Now Get Flat 16% Off on  Magzter Gold Lite Subscription for 1 year At Rs. 2499 Only. Read any 5 Magazine out of 5000+ best selling Magazines. No coupon code required to avail this offer. Hurry Up! Limited Period Offer. Less

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Expires 6 months left

Magzter Coupons, Offers , Promo Code and Deals For This Month

Magzter Discount Coupon

Magzter Promo Codes

Magzter Gold Annual Plan (One Year Subscription) Get At Rs.999 Only
Magzter Gold Monthly Plan (One Month Subscription) Get At Rs.399 Only
Magzter Bundle Plan Offers Upto 85% Off + Extra 5% Off
Magzter International Magazines Plan 40% OFF
Magzter epaper and emagazine Offers Upto 80% OFF

About Magzter

Magzter is one of the largest E-magazine and E-newspaper service providers. Till date, there are over 75 million users who are availing and enjoying their service. They launched their website in 2011 and provided thousands of magazines and newspapers with over 60+ languages. Mgzter have their main headquarters in New York. They have also spread to various places such as Amsterdam, Mumbai, Chennai, Mexico City, New Delhi, London, Singapore, Bengaluru and are expanding into various other countries. Magzter is also available on android, iOS, and on your laptop. Magzter has made their digital newsstand and magazines easy for everyone to access. Their magazines are also available in Amazon stores. Magzter also offers you their subscription plan as Magzter gold, which gives you unlimited access with a monthly subscription plan at a very low price. Their application is mobile-friendly, which helps readers to understand clearly. Now you can easily update yourself with the latest news, technology, and various magazines with the help of Magzter service. OffersAtHome is an online website that helps you in giving exciting offers and deals on your Magzter purchase. Our main goal is to make every customer happy with our proven and verified offers.


Magzter Subscription Plan

Magzter’s website is completely a resource of knowledge wherein you can discover their various magazines, articles, newspapers, news, etc.

They have their additional Gold plan, which gives you unlimited access to their latest magazines. It is one of the best investments as it comes with a monthly subscription plan which will keep your reading habit active. Every day you will come across the latest magazines available for you to read with their Magzter Gold plan. Apart from Magazines, they also have newspapers and articles on various niches, and you can choose the niche of your choice to read. Also, you get regular updates on email whenever a new topic is published. Magzter is helpful for you to enhance your reading habit and to know about things happening around you. All you need to do is search for various topics and start reading.

Magzter Coupon code, Offers, Promo Codes and Discounts at OffersAtHome

So, Magzter has been one of the top favorite newsstands for all the readers. But the subscriptions are very high, but you don’t need to worry about it. OffersAtHome gives you their amazing vouchers, coupon codes and makes your reading cost-effective. We also have great deals for Magzter gold buyers by choosing our promotional code and offers on your purchase. OffersAtHome offers are exclusive and trusted by many customers, wherein you can get a maximum offer of upto 70% on your Magzter purchase.

Online payment and Wallet offers at Magzter.

Magzter also has various wallets available to make your shopping easy such as Paytm, ICICI Pocket, Jio Money, Mobikwik, and Ola Money. So, you can easily purchase and pay your subscription plan easily with Magzter wallet offers. OffersAtHome also gives you various coupons and deals on Magzter wallet such as Magzter Mobikwik coupon, Magzter Paytm code, Magzter Jio money deal, Magzter ICICI Pocket voucher, and many other wallet offers which will given you additional discounts on your purchase.

Magzter FAQs:-

Question 1. What are the benefits of Magzter Gold?

Answer. One of the major benefits of Magzter Gold is they give access to unlimited magazines at a very low cost. You get various newspapers and magazines related to business, entertainment, health, automotive, children, travel, fashion, trending stories, and many more.

Question 2. Can I get to read Magazines and Newspapers on Kindle?

Answer. You can also read on the Kindle, which has a monthly plan of 399- per month and 3999- for a year.

Question 3 . Is it possible to share the Gold Access with my family members?

Answer. Yes, you can easily share with four members of your family or friends. The monthly and yearly subscription plan allows you to share with your family members for free of cost.

Question 4. How can I get coupons for Magzter from OffersAtHome?

Answer. OffersAtHome gives its best offers on every purchase. All our coupons are verified and updated. All you need to search for a magzter coupon, you will get various deals provided by OffersAtHome, you can choose the best option which suits your plan. Then, it will redirect you to the official Magzter website and make your purchase by applying the coupon code from OffersAtHome. We also keep you updated with our latest discount and promotional code wherein you can save a lot on your every purchase. ?

Question 5. How can I contact the team of magzter for any queries?

Answer. You can directly mail your issue at [email protected]. They will solve your issue easily regarding your subscription, payment, and various others.